Is your child struggling with school can't? Or homeschooling/unschooling but you're just not sure what approach to take? 

Check out the below resources for answers to our most frequently asked questions!

We have online and onsite options available and can also suggest other pathways that might work for you.

Click here for urgent alternatives to school

If you are urgently looking to withdraw your child from school, check out the following options for Qld residents. If you aren't in Qld, search for similar resources in your area.

Home Education

More than "school at home", homeschooling means parents choose what their child learns.

To register in QLD: click here. If you need help writing your plan, contact us

Distance Education

Also known as "school online," there are many state and private Distance Education programs or "online schools" in QLD. For reviews, click here

Alternative Schools

Just looking for a better school? Google Search for a Montessori, Steiner, Maridahdi, Autism Centre, Gifted & Talented program, YMCA or TAFE program near you.

"Can I really trust my child to choose?"

"The Self-Driven Child" is an amazing book with lots of practical tips, conversation roleplays and brain research. Borrow it from Celebrate Learning or buy it on Amazon: click here 

"How do I help my child deschool?"

Deschooling is the transition between school and learning independently. It includes a significant time (from weeks to months) of letting a child relax and recover: click here

"All they do is play video games!"

Check out this insightful article about how an interest in video games can lead to great learning: click here

"When will they learn maths?"

Check out this article, as well as the comments at the end, to see how an unschooling family sees the math in daily life: click here

"Can they still get into university?"

To learn about the many alternative pathways to university that people can access whenever they are ready, click here or here

"What do they do with all that free time?"

Blake Boles has great videos and books for families, including "How To Be a Badass Teen Homeschooler": click here

Idea Hub

Hundreds of activity ideas for independent learning: click here

CL on YouTube

Program highlights, resource reviews and teen projects: click here

CL on Discord

Check out our online community: click here

Resume Fillers

Ideas to help youth fill in an empty resume: click here